1. Nicely presented. Also request you to write on how to talk or share ideas before a group of very senior and well informed people.

  2. It is really a very good article on the untouched and very important topic of Communication.Our young generation specially will be benefitted a lot,if implement the methods suggested to improve the communication.The Article deserves a real appreciation.

  3. You have said a lot in brief, really mind and eye opener useful in day to day life. Keep it up wish you all the best

  4. Nice article explaining communication skills…the best part of communication skill is that it could change both ” how the world sees you and how you see the world”.

    1. Neatly explained how communication should be. Even thought looks give us the first impression, but the way we speak decides the person’s background and brought up. A person with a proper and better communication can survive anywhere.

  5. Well…it’s good to see this write up. Perhaps the best article for beginners. Keep it up. 👌

  6. Excellent.
    Communication with credibility of the person may also enhance acceptance among audience.

  7. Nicely written and drafted in easy words,
    Engagement of audience thru eye contact and good and easy vocabulary is the success of communication skill..
    Keep it up…

  8. Depression is a state of mind in which a person is made himself isolated from society and their relationship and also own.Most of the people suffering from depressiion are unaware of their situtation. Symptoms of depression are not concrete so by choosing following way any body can come out of the depression.
    1. Upbringing of a child in a way that he/she can face every situation of life.
    2.Always thankfull to God for such a great life.
    3.Helping nature and kind hearted people’s are mostly away from depression.
    4. Nature is itself a teacher. We should always keep to close us nature and feel the nature
    Nature means plants,flower, children, animal , animals kids etc.
    5. Last but very important, everyday took two peg of whiskey and forget about all damm thing around you.

  9. “The art of communication is the language of leadership.”
    Your argument is well supported. It is outstanding.

  10. A very well articulated article which touches upon all important aspects which are pre requisites for this particular skill.

  11. It’s a very good topic chosen, which is very important in every field of life like, studies, professional and social . Attentive listening is the first requisite to improve communication skills. Overall it can be very effective to improve one’s communication skills.

  12. Tips for improving communication skills through listening, speaking, reading, writing is avery good thought by which one can get respect in life

  13. I read ur article twice. U have touched almost every aspect of a good communication skill. I am very much impressed by ur clarity of expression, perfection, totality of topic and thorough knowledge of the subject. This article will definitely be helpful to those people, who want to communicate effectively n need a little push. Congratulations. Keep going.

  14. Communication means of understanding each other.covers all aspect of communication very well.good job done,keep it up.

  15. Ur eloquent article,ornamented with beautiful words and thoughts bound me to read twice n thrice n even more in my coming days.I am very much impressed by ur clarity of expression,perfection,totality of topic and thorough knowledge of the subject.Well explained how v can give n recieve ideas,thoughts n feelings through communication.Ur this article wid important tips will definitely be helpful to those people, who want to communicate effectively n need a little push.Many congratulations.Keep Going with more n more beautiful Colors.

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