Many people spend their lives whining about stuff, blaming the circumstances, people etc. People need to rationally analyse their activities and compare them to what they want to
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Why delaying gratification is important?
Let me begin by asking a simple question. As a kid, how often did you resist eating that favourite chocolate cupcake of yours that was lying right in
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Artificial world of distraction.
With the rise of modernization, there have also risen false things. We are living in an artificial world. People are lacking real purpose. They are delighted with things
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Basics of Financial Literacy
Financial Literacy In this article, I would like to bring to your notice the very basics of finance. All the ideas of this article have been inspired by
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Pillars of Life.
2020 turned out the way no one had expected. But now it’s time to gear up for the this year and make the most of it. In this
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Pareto’s Law- The 80/20 Rule
In this article, I am going to share an interesting concept, which I have found to be helpful. Pareto’s Law was pioneered by Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto. Pareto’s
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How to get rid of bad habits?
Habit is any behavior that you acquire and repetitively indulge in so that it becomes an inseparable part of your routine. There isn’t anything inherently wrong with having
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You deserve what you attract.
“Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed.” A basic physics law which we learnt in our school days, but have failed to understand it completely. We, humans,
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Why compounding is the eighth wonder of the world? How does compounding work?
Why compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world? Compound interest is the interest calculated on the initial principal as well as on the interest accumulated on
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How to become more confident?
‘Dealt with massive stage fright.’ ‘Got absolute jitters just at the prospect of standing in front of large crowds of people, addressing them during debates, speeches, or giving
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